
la Mojarra


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The cliff itself is a long band of sandstone that is separated into 18 sectors, one after another, and each contains 20 or so routes. There are 350+ climbs at La Mojarra, with 200 more in the Mesa de Los Santos area, including bouldering and multi-pitch climbing.


The cliffs are made up of a compact sandstone that form routes that are engaging and fun, with grades ranging from 5.6/4a to 5.14a/8b+. The majority of the routes are in the 5.10+/6b to 5.13-/8a range, and ongoing development means the number of routes available is ever increasing.

The climbing is powerful and engaging, with flat edges and big moves. Most routes are 15-25 meters in length, so there is not a lot of ultra-endurance climbing; instead, many routes begin with short boulder problems and many climbs, even at the lower grades, have roof features, and offer some amazing movement that isn’t often found elsewhere at the grade. Many of the harder classics are power endurance climbing on edges, with one or two distinct cruxes. Though there is less of it, you will still find some high quality slab climbing. Topos can be found at the ranger station, which has a booklet that you can take pictures of, or online at theCrag.


The approach to the ranger station at the front of the crag is less than 5 minutes. From there, it extends for 1km.

The park opens at 11am, and because the crag is east facing, it is typically too hot to climb before noon. The best climbing window is from 1pm-6:30pm. The shadier conditions, combined with an afternoon breeze, makes for perfect send temps. During the mornings, the Refugio serves as a gathering place for many climbers, both local and international, and makes a great place for finding climbing partners.

The park is managed, bolted, and upkept by the Rocas de la Mojarra foundation. Before being allowed entry, in order to ensure everyone’s competence and safety, visitors without a guide must pass a short test before entering, which requires that you tie in and clean an anchor. Visitors have to pay a daily entrance fee, with options for longer term passes. Current prices can be found on the foundation website. The fee is waived for guests staying at Refugio La Roca or visiting with a guide.


La Mojarra is situated in the lush mountains in the northeast of Colombia. Here there is an abundance of plants and animals, and if you look around, you can see all different kinds of birds, bugs, butterflies, frogs, and many more critters. 

The weather is mild year round, with average monthly highs of 29-31 degrees C (84-89 degrees F), and average monthly lows of 17-18 degrees C (63-65 degrees F). It remains dry most of the year, and when it does rain, the rock is quick to dry. Due to the early morning sun exposure and the overhanging nature of the cliffs, even if it rains heavily overnight, the rock is typically dry enough to climb on the following afternoon.

+57 316 0241959

+57 316 0241960